Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Haruhi Episode 11 - Remote Island Syndrome Part 2

I know this is an extremely late release, but it's finally done nonetheless. There are also a few updates I would like to announce. As most of you probably know already, my season 1 subs were taken from Hitsuji, which were in turn taken from the original creators, a.f.k., and modified/edited by Hitsuji. It has come to my attention through posts in various forums that people would prefer I add in song translations and/or karaoke to the opening and the ending credits. While I'm not a firm advocate of using karaoke, I thought that the requests for the song translations were reasonable.

So this is the format that I will do future episodes in: 1) Karaoke and song translations will be available for both the opening and ending songs for season 1. 2) For season two, it is basically the same as season one except that there will be NO karaoke. 3) Season one was and will continue to incorporate dual audio. As for season two, there are no dubs for it so only single audio.
4) All future episodes of Haruhi will contain "(2009)" in the filename. I thought by now people would have already figured out which episode is which, but guess I was wrong.

While I'm not very fond of utilizing karaoke, I'm adding it in for season one due to the fact that it's readily available. The karaoke was initially done by Hitsuji but edited by me to make it readable and not appear all over the place. Before the karaoke haters whine about this, I'm going to point out that it will be done via softsubs, so you can have the option of turning it off/on whenever you want.

You can grab episode 11 here, http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=71484

Monday, June 22, 2009

Future Episodes + Late Notice

Sorry about being so late on the releases, I've been busy the past couple of weeks helping with my sister's wedding. Not sure when I'll have some free time, but once I do, I'll probably release the next few episodes in sequence or in a batch.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Haruhi episode 10 released (Dual audio, 1280x720)

Episode 10 is finally done. It is another season 1 episode titled Remote Island Syndrome (Part 1). You can get it here, http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=69703

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Haruhi episode 9 and some updates

There were some delays with episode 9 due to the unavailability of any decent raws. I didn't want to release a crappy version since most of the people that comes here have already watched season one from 2006. As with the previous season one episodes, the subtitles for ep 9 are from a.f.k.

As for ordered chapters, I've decided to stop doing them for my future releases. Seems like most of the people that are pro ordered chapters either said it's not a necessity or they don't care either way. I know that not everyone uses the same operating system or the same player that can support ordered chapters. And more people being able to enjoy the releases outweighs the benefits of some disk space.

Guess it's back to watching the NBA finals for me.

Edit: I had to go out for dinner and the release got delayed a bit. You can grab it here, http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=68254
The release is the same as before, dual audio but with no ordered chapters.