Saturday, May 23, 2009

New settings (Now anonymous users can post comments)

I've noticed that when I created this blog, I didn't change the default requirement that you must be registered in order to post comments. This may seem like an unnecessary thing to do especially for a relatively new site such as this. I have now disabled that feature and anyone can post comments now. So feel free to post any comments, even on past episodes that you may have wanted to comment on, but just didn't feel the need to register to do so.


  1. Nice change, I was one of those people that didn't wanna register just to comment :P And the old system was kinda hard to work with and I gave up after failing to sign in once.

  2. Are you planning on getting an IRC channel with xdcc bots?

  3. I haven't used IRC in a few years, so I'm not really that familiar with it now, but if someone is willing to provide a channel and/or XDCC bots, then I'll be more than happy to put my releases there.

  4. On behalf of all the anonymous people who are watching (me included)... thanks for all your hardwork!
